Monday, September 19, 2011

Week # 10

Dear Family-
  Hahaha six months dang!!! Elder Tienda and I both burned a tie the other day to celebrate :)  Thanks for sending the Gospel Principles Book.  It might be here. Friday I recieved a note from FedEx on my door since I was not home saying they attempted to deliver a package. They will try it again today. This week was pretty good.  We continue to find many people that Heavenly Father has prepared for us. President Martin has been very pleased with our district and the turnaround it has had. Before we all got there it was the worst area in the mission, now it is one of the strongest. Elder Tienda and I are most likely going to split up this transfer. There are many other elders that are requesting him as a companion. We were very close to being split up last transfer. There is actually a pretty good chance that I will be training a brand new missionary next transfer. There is a bunch of new missionaries coming in and a shortage of capable missionaries here. My zone leaders, the presidents' assistants and even President Martin have told me that there is a big chance I will be called upon to train. That idea scares me haha. I just graduated from my "greenie status" so it is really fast.
   It is still pretty warm over here. It is still cooler than Arizona but its supposed to be like 90 all week over here. We are trying to work really hard with the ward over here because previous missionaries have lost their trust. If we could win the trust of teh members our work would be soo much easier.  It finally rained over here tooo. It was exciting ! 
   So what ever happened with Lucy ? Did Kurt pursue any legal things ? Did you give Lucy away or what the heck happened ? It sure seemed pretty weird to hear that she had attacked anything.
   Anyways, I hope all is well and I will hear from you all next week
 Love ya
Elder Dutson

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