Dear Family-
Mom yes I got your package ! Thank you so much :)
Elder Tovar was facebooking Nikki ? haha crazy kid!
So braedon is heading out now ? Dang ! Ill bet he is excited. His mom is prolly worried sick though. I know he will do great. Has Gus returned home yet ?
President Riggs is heading to D.C. huh ? I was hoping he would come out here ! haha but DC is a way legit place. My new mission President is Elder and Sister Hall. Bishop Neher knows him ? That is a small world. He seems really young and cool though.
I did get to see Elder Ackley this past monday. It was way cool to see him :)
This week was pretty uneventful until yesterday. It was Elder Okazaki's 21 birthday. We had to speak in Church yesterday. It was the first talk in English I have given since my mission farewell a year and a half ago haha but it went well. After which we had an amazing dinner with a member family. It is kind of crazy. Because Ridgecrest is on the Naval Air Weapons Testing Base, just about everybody here are engineerrs so they are way smart! After Dinner we visited a few families then had a district bonfire at a members house. The day before, we had bought virgin margarita mix so our district was sitting around the fire drinking non alcoholic margaritas.
We have not gone to see Elder Perry yet. He does not come until March 7th. Hopefully we will be able to go.
That is very exciting to hear about the temple !
Grandma, thank you for getting me the wool socks. I know they will help me a lot. Also could you send me Camille's email address again ? and yes I really enjoyed the jam :)
LOve you all!
- Elder Dutson
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