Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Week # 16

Querido Familia Mia-

I hope that everyone's halloween went swell. Mine was very fun! We had an activity with our whole zone and we dressed in costumes and played volley ball. My zone Leader ( Elder Riggs from Mesa AZ) dressed up as one of the sisiters in our district and that sister dressed up as Elder Riggs. Haha I love my district. Elder Riggs is a very good friend. His companion, Elder Ellsworth is also from Mesa . The sisters are crazy but that is to be expected from sister missionaries haha. One of them reminds me of you Rachel and the other one reminds me of Mom. They are both wonderful missionaries as well. We were told to not go proselyting on Halloween night so we went out to dinner with Elder Riggs and Ellsworth. On the way home we had an egg thrown at us haha but it missed! This past week has been absolutely amazing though. We assisted a baptism Sunday of a kid in our ward. She wanted the sisters to sing and those crazy sisters suckered me into singing with them. One played the piano and the other one and I sang. We will be doing it again for the next baptism. Elder Tienda and I have been keeping in touch and Darian( the investigator we found will be baptized this Sunday. I am wayy excited for him.

This week I have just been really studying about the things we need to do to return to God's presence. I have also been reading alot about the beginnings of early Catholicism and it made me sad to see all the different things that happened to lead the people farther from the truth. Something I run across alot in the mission field is people that believe that it doesn't matter what religion they profess as long as they have faith in God, thus believing there are many paths that lead to God. Likewise, in the Roman Empire, the city of Rome was one of the greatest and busiest. Why was that ? Because the emperors were smart and in the road building process, they made all roads lead to Rome. Everyone had to pass through Rome on the journeyings. I feel like that is the view of the world sometimes.. That just like all roads lead to Rome, it is believed that all roads will lead to the Celestial Kingdom. That is just not true though. There is only one road that leads to the Celestial kingdom and that is through this beautiful gospel that has been restored. The gateway to this path is baptism and that is the ONLY way we can live with our Heavenly Father and our familes forever.

Well thanks for the package, I did receive it! I especially loved the card from Conner with his drool on it haha! I love you all and hope that you have a wonderful week.

OH! and one more thing. I will be moving this Friday to a new apartment. My new address is 13500 Foothill. I am not sure of the apartment number yet but I will get it to you all as fast as possible.

- Elder Dutson

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