Monday, January 23, 2012

Week # 25

Why hello !!
I hope all is well. Well first off to address the sad news that you shared with me mom; Kayln passed away... well, I am glad that it is done. I am sure there are alot of people grieving for her, and she certainly will be missed. But for such a wonderful person to be done suffering as she was is good news. Like you said, she is now back in her Heavenly Father's presence. Of course, please send my love to her family.
Ok :) well,this week was a normal one.. Nothing unusual to report. I dont think I told you but one of my new Zone Leaders is Elder Banuelos whom I served with when I was in Panorama City. He was Elder Okazaki's companion. It certainly is good to be back serving around him again as he is a good friend of mine. Unfortunately, I will only have him for one transfer as he leaves for home at the beginning of February. We found one new investigator this past week. His name is Martin. He is a really nice guy and he has a very sarcastic sense of humor at times. He let us in and we taught him and and his 80 something year old mother in law. She was funny. She kept repeating over and over again that she had visited Elder Grose in the hospital a couple months back. Elder Grose has never been to California before this so we just laughed and Martin had to explain several times to her that we are missionaries and that Elder Grose hadn't been in the hospital. Very sweet lady but a bit senile haha but Martin is great. We gave him a Book of Mormon aand set a return appointment. We continue to struggle with Kevin and the Saldana family. the thing with Kevin is that his mom will not let him be baptized until he goes to church 5 times, but his mom is also stopping him from going to church, literally telling him he can't go because they have stuff to do. After which, he ends up sitting around all day because they really dont have stuff to do. We are thinking about confronting her about it and asking her why she is doing what she is doing, to see if we can help. With the Saldanas, I dont know. We really enjoy going over there, but they really are not progressing anymore.. We might have to drop them. they really like when we come over and teach, but they still have never gone to church and rarely do they keep the reading assignments we give them. I think they believe it's just a free Bible Study class no matter how many times we have told them that it is not!! haha Well I can't believe that It is already halfway through my second transfer training Elder Grose. The second transfer with your trainer is usually your last in this mission but we will see. Elder banuelos, (the zone leader I talked about), told me on Saturday, that President wants me to train another new missionary next transfer. I guess he came to them and asked if I would be up to it and if it would be ok for the zone. They told him yes, so we will see. Training has been a wonderful experience for me as Elder Grose has taught me so much. Sometimes I wonder if he has taught me more than I have taught him. But anyways, I am glad you like your new sunbeams Mom. I really love and miss kids. Everytime I see a baby, I want one haha even though I am not quite ready to be a daddy yet. Speaking of which,Courtney...?? :) any news in that subject yet ? hahaha
Ok well I love you all and Mom, tell the new Elders I said hi. Everybody else, I love and miss you and wish yuo the best till next week.
Oh and morgan, I dont know if it was japanese food or what but I ate octopus the other day. We had a member take us out to an all you can eat asian buffet. It was really yummy!!
- love you all
- Elder Weston Dutson

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